Tuesday 10 July 2012

Uses of Bhang in cigaret.

Bhang is a plant which is occure in cold places. It is very beautifull which hieght
is 4ft to 5ft. Bhang plants are found in Pakistan, India, Afgahnistan and nepal.In pakistan Bhang
are found in Khyber pakhtoon khuwa which is cold area. Leafs
of bhang is very Dark-green as compared to chinar leafs.Five leafs of bhang is join to
single node. The smell of Bhang plant is unpleasant. Bhang Flower is very small in light-
yellow color.
Bhang use in Medicine and Drugs or Charas.  In Asia smokers bhang use in cigaret and
other things. Charas and  Garda is made from Bhang. In asia many Peoples are smokers
which are bhang use in cigret and other things. Bhang drink is also made from bhang
in which adding some dry foods. But it is very harmful for our body and causes of dengerous
diseases just like cancer, T.b and cough. Lungs disease are causes of cigret, charas and
and Garda(which is made from Bhang). In India and Pakistan there is many user of Charas and
Garda which easily available in this country.

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