Monday 9 July 2012

The SMOKING Causes of CANCER and Smokers Cough.

Smoking is very bad habbit and harmful for lungs. There is manydisadvantages of smoking but two are big 
(i) Smoker lungs are not strone
as compared to normal people and about 50% chance of T.B.
(ii)He is ill in
dangerous diseases day by day.Smoking is causes of cancer and smokers cough.
There are two types of smoking cancer
(i)Mouth cancer
(ii)Lungs cancer and Blood cancer.
Cancer is very dengerous diseases causes by smoking. In asia about 50% peoples
are smokers which are 10 or 15 times smoking in the day. A large numbers of
peoples are smoker in Europe and America.Its also dengerous for other living things.
A smoker when smoking, the smoke will go to lungs through glottis and infection are
visible in lungs causes of smoke, this infection are including in blood. When smoke
infection is include in blood, the blood vessels are also infected. At this time meiosis
 process is started and become a blood cancer. When the blood cancer is muture, mouth
cancer is visibel  (which is cause by blood cancer). I think there is no vaccines against
the cancer and this person going to illness atleast this person is die.
so my suggestion for smoker
 "leave this smoking"  "leave this smoking" "leave this smoking".
And enjoy the "HAPPY LIFE" you life is very important for your "FAMILY"

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