Tuesday 10 July 2012

Opium Poppy use in drugs (Afeem) and Opium Habit:

Opium is a plant which is growing in the cold and hot places. September is good month for sowing
seed. Opium plant are sprout after a two weeks. Sunlight is very important for these plant. About
three or four month required for Poppy.
There are two kinds of these uses:
(i) Legal uses (Uses in Medicine).
(ii) Illegal uses (Uses in Drugs(Afeem)).

(i)Legel Uses:
Opium is use in medical drugs and other chemical things. There are many antibiotics vaccines are made from Opium poppy
which is use for against the disease or becteria.
(ii) Illegal uses;
Opium is also use in Drugs and others illegal things. About 70% in the world opium is use in
illegal drugs and things. There are many peoples in the world are smuggling these drugs and earn
millions of Dollors or rupees. OPium drugs is very harmfull for humans and other living things.
There is no treatment this addicted and no vaccines. Opium smoker are different as compared to
other peoples and everytime his mind is unconscious. Opium smoker sleep are 14 to 16 hour in the day
and he is not to able any work.

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