Thursday 26 July 2012

Water car

Its very amazing that water is converted in form of energy.
Now this is true in pakistan because pakistani engineer agha
waqar pathan is made a water car. In karachi engineer agha
waqar pathan is made a car which fuel is water and car runing
normaly. Its very intelligent engineer which break the water
and it convert into energy. When water(H2O) is break the hydrgen and
oxygen are separated then hydregen (H2) is use in form of energy.
Agha waqar pathan water car experiment is successfull, and now its possible
that car fuel is change in water.

Wednesday 18 July 2012


Faisalabad is the city of punjab near by chiniot. Faisalabad is the big city in industrial work. In Faislabad there are many factories of cloths, fans, water pumps, sewing machines and washing machines.
About 183km distance Faisalabad to lahore and two hours by driving. Average of lower temperture in winter 20 to 25 centigrade and in summer 35 to 45 centigrade so faislabad is hot area. In Faisalabad there are many shopping malls, markets,
tourism places, temples and parks. Faisalabad is the biggest industrial area of punjab. About 40% peoples of others cities of punjab working in faisalbad industries. In faisalabad many peoples are educated, this peoples are working in this industries as engineers.
Faisalabad is top city on google map because google said faisalabad map is very popular as compared to other cities. Punjab government made motorway faisalabad to lahore which is helps in fast travelling.  


Islamabad is the most popular city of pakistan and capital of pakistan since 1960. Islambad is most beautiful city which also known as flower of city.
Islamabad is near by Rawalpindi about 17km distance islamabad to rawalpindi and 27 minutes by driving. Islamabad is cold, snow and rainly area. Lower temperature in january is 3 centigrade to 5 centigrade and
higher temperature is 30 centigrade to 40 centigrade. Islamabad international airport is very beautiful, except this there is many tourism places in islamabad rawal dam, Islamabad Museum, bari mam, daman-e-koh, Faisal mosque,
zoo, Margalla Hills. Faisal mosque is the lagest mosque in the Asia, about four lak peoples are offered namaz at a time. 70% peoples of Islamabad are businessman and 20% peoples are hardworkers and 10% peoples interested politaicals.
There are many peoples are visit to isalmabad from other cities and countries, and enjoying its weather and beautiness. Top universities of pakistan are in isalmabad which related to science and other modern technologies.


Lahore is the capital of paunjab and large city of pakistan.
In 16th century lahore under region of Mughal Empire.
Lahore is city which joining Pakistan from india, train are going to india from lahore.
About 379km distance Lahore to Isalamabad and three hours forty two minut by driving.
Lower temperature in january is 28 centigrade to 35 centigrade and
higher temperature is 40 centigrade to 48 centigrade.
In lahore there are many industrial factories and companies of cloths and other things.
Lahore is the old cultural city. A large river of pakistan RAVI is near by lahore.
In lahore there are three famous and historical places which made in
16th century like as Badshahi Mosque, Shahi Qila and
lahore zoo, except this there are many attractive places
Minar-e-pakistan(which hieght is 203 feet(62 m)), Shalimar park and temple of Data Darbar.
Horse cart and QINGQi travelliing is very popular in lahore.
Lahore is the center of pakistani movies in this city there are many cinema,
pakistani top actors are belong to  lahore. In lahore Punjabi films is very popular.
Lahore international airport are very beautiful and air content from other cities and countries.
In Lahores many Shoppin malls and markets in which modern dress and other things are avaible.
In lahore about 90% peoples are punjabi and 10% percent peoples are beolong to other cities of Pakistan.
Young peoples are wear paint shut while old peoples are wear lang.


karachi is the biggest city of Pakistan and capital of sindh.
About 1244km distance from Lahore and twelve hours by driving.
Karachi is named by Balochi women kolachi further this name is change kolachi to karachi.
Lower temperature of karachi in january is 18 centigrade to 25 centigrade and
higher temperature is 35 centigrade to 45 centigrade.
In karachi there are many Government and private office and companies.
karachi is the biggest industrial area of pakistan in which many companies and factories.
There are two Big Port in karachi which is main ways of import and export.
In karachi there is many runways but one use for air buses and other is personal uses of government.
Karachi airport is very beautiful and save. It is international airport there is many airbuses are coming in karachi from other
other countries of the world. It is this the main air contact from other cities and countries. About 10 to 15 areoplanes are landing and take off from this airport in hour.
There is many shopping malls, markets, parks, play areas, form house, zoo, universities, hospitals and other tourism places are occure in Karachi city.
In a large number of peoples are going to beach (Manora) which is occure in Kemari town.
THe people of karachi is very modern they are very hardworker and honest. In karachi 70% peoples wear paint shut and 30% people wear simple dress.
Karachi road is very attractive, super highway is joiner Karachi from hydrabad it is 200km long, and nothern bypass is join from Quetta.      

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Mind Sciences

Mind Sciences is regularly process which is acceptable in all religon like islam, hindu, Christian and other
religon. Mind sciences is power which is gift form Nature. Sometime mind sciences is dengerous for humans and
causes of died. In mind sciences there are many kinds, many advantages and disvantages. But peoples its used
for illegals rules for example you want to any person loss thier business it should be done through mind
science process. Mind science process is also used for treatment of different diseases and its true that
in mind sciences treatment is possible if patient follow the mind science rules. Hepatitis, fever, cough, flu and
other diseases treatment is possible in mind science process. Mind sciences is process in which the specific words
reads in regularly about one to three months. When the process is successful this person get a power from the nature
it become a different as compared to normal peoples. This person is sleep about forth to fifth hours and eating a normalfood. This person interest increasing in his religon. Some people are used in illegal but its very harmful. 

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Opium Poppy use in drugs (Afeem) and Opium Habit:

Opium is a plant which is growing in the cold and hot places. September is good month for sowing
seed. Opium plant are sprout after a two weeks. Sunlight is very important for these plant. About
three or four month required for Poppy.
There are two kinds of these uses:
(i) Legal uses (Uses in Medicine).
(ii) Illegal uses (Uses in Drugs(Afeem)).

(i)Legel Uses:
Opium is use in medical drugs and other chemical things. There are many antibiotics vaccines are made from Opium poppy
which is use for against the disease or becteria.
(ii) Illegal uses;
Opium is also use in Drugs and others illegal things. About 70% in the world opium is use in
illegal drugs and things. There are many peoples in the world are smuggling these drugs and earn
millions of Dollors or rupees. OPium drugs is very harmfull for humans and other living things.
There is no treatment this addicted and no vaccines. Opium smoker are different as compared to
other peoples and everytime his mind is unconscious. Opium smoker sleep are 14 to 16 hour in the day
and he is not to able any work.

Uses of Bhang in cigaret.

Bhang is a plant which is occure in cold places. It is very beautifull which hieght
is 4ft to 5ft. Bhang plants are found in Pakistan, India, Afgahnistan and nepal.In pakistan Bhang
are found in Khyber pakhtoon khuwa which is cold area. Leafs
of bhang is very Dark-green as compared to chinar leafs.Five leafs of bhang is join to
single node. The smell of Bhang plant is unpleasant. Bhang Flower is very small in light-
yellow color.
Bhang use in Medicine and Drugs or Charas.  In Asia smokers bhang use in cigaret and
other things. Charas and  Garda is made from Bhang. In asia many Peoples are smokers
which are bhang use in cigret and other things. Bhang drink is also made from bhang
in which adding some dry foods. But it is very harmful for our body and causes of dengerous
diseases just like cancer, T.b and cough. Lungs disease are causes of cigret, charas and
and Garda(which is made from Bhang). In India and Pakistan there is many user of Charas and
Garda which easily available in this country.

Monday 9 July 2012

The SMOKING Causes of CANCER and Smokers Cough.

Smoking is very bad habbit and harmful for lungs. There is manydisadvantages of smoking but two are big 
(i) Smoker lungs are not strone
as compared to normal people and about 50% chance of T.B.
(ii)He is ill in
dangerous diseases day by day.Smoking is causes of cancer and smokers cough.
There are two types of smoking cancer
(i)Mouth cancer
(ii)Lungs cancer and Blood cancer.
Cancer is very dengerous diseases causes by smoking. In asia about 50% peoples
are smokers which are 10 or 15 times smoking in the day. A large numbers of
peoples are smoker in Europe and America.Its also dengerous for other living things.
A smoker when smoking, the smoke will go to lungs through glottis and infection are
visible in lungs causes of smoke, this infection are including in blood. When smoke
infection is include in blood, the blood vessels are also infected. At this time meiosis
 process is started and become a blood cancer. When the blood cancer is muture, mouth
cancer is visibel  (which is cause by blood cancer). I think there is no vaccines against
the cancer and this person going to illness atleast this person is die.
so my suggestion for smoker
 "leave this smoking"  "leave this smoking" "leave this smoking".
And enjoy the "HAPPY LIFE" you life is very important for your "FAMILY"